Chiang rai live in locations the hill country of thailand, who was defender of a lot of thai culture. Object popular tourist here one of which is the temple of white, the only artificial a temple was in thailand with the garden of botany that striking. Tourists would love to visit here and look at the statue a buddhist who founded in a temple buddhist spectacular.
Speaking of chiang rai here, actually chiang rai was one of the places tourism if to thailand. Chiang rai are in the country north of thailand and even if taking the bus need to 11-12 hours from bangkok. But don't worry, you can go there by flight. Back to vacation 'destination', chiang rai famous for "white temple", the thailand the place by the name of "wat rong khun". Well, just like the name "white temple", this temple is nuance white light with a light that glittering. This temple built to the interior of white on the outside but also for the glossiness come of glass. Yes, glass !In any part outside this temple is get pieces of glass a small who forms it measured the adapted to form this temple. Well, here's the a spoiler :
White temple this has a lot of stories and the philosophy of the community buddhist life. The interior of the outside, as hands in hell and angel of white temple show levels life experienced someone .In his life looking for 'enlightenment' sometimes a were still unable to and falling in sin, who later led torture in hell. Hands in hell own describing the shape of torture in hell, the souls of the thirst for 'exemption' continue to ask but still put to according. While, angel of white temple describe guardian angel. The interior of white temple part in describing the journey of someone before reaching levels buddhist and interestingly is penggambarannya be done in contemporary and modern.
On the inside of the temple, but can see the symbols of Buddhism and a large Buddha statue, visitors can also see the mural painting eccentric and out of the grip of classical Buddhism. Painting-which unfortunately are prohibited to be photographed and held on a whole wall of the room.
It depicts the forces of good and evil in the world and the afterlife. There are superheroes and characters good, some evil characters we know from movies or comic story. For example, Superman, Batman, Spiderman, Neo (The Matrix), Harry Potter, Doraemon, and Kung Fu Panda. There is also a Freddy Krueger, Michael Jackson, Terminator, Elvis Presley, as well as the characters in Star Wars, Transformers and Avatar. Buddhist temples this one is unique, right?
From what I gather, it looks like the artist wants to convey that there are forces of good and evil on earth, and we can choose to follow which, wanting to be where-so superhero useful for many people, so a good person, or so evil?
Oh Yeah, one more interesting than the White Temple is a toilet which is really good. The entire building is gold plated toilet, and detail the building no less complicated than building the temple.