Visit the scene beautiful and fascinating in other countries
is probably everybody dream. Of tourism in latvia new year 2016 is an excellent
choice to get satisfaction traveled. The average european countries having 4
season that is spring, deciduous, hot and cold. When you interested in visiting
europe then you need to know the season of what was happening around the
Latvia, the state of being formerly be part of the soviet
union this is rare eye as tourism objects in europe. And small country with the
rarely this keep various beauty not inferior to other european countries such
as france, england, and germany. Any of the cities of there have been consumed
in the list of unesco world heritage site.
Visit in latvia should immediately just headed to a town of
riga to traveled on the beach charming and beautiful. You can also enjoy the
natural beauty like a flowing river still clear and forests still natural. Traveled
in latvia should not stayed at the hotel but encamped as the back paker europe
who often visits this place.
A little review of the following tourist destinations in
latvia who is obliged to you visit:
A national park Latvia
Many a national park who is still awake its authenticity. The
following a national park decent you visit: gauja national park, emeri national
park, slitere national park, and razna national park.
Ventas the Rumba
Ventas the rumba is a waterfall widest in europe. Although
not too high, but the breadth of which reached 816 feet make a waterfall this a
Tourism castle sigulda history
This place suitable to the fans history. There you can found
several locations historical interesting and unique. One of them ruins puri
Aglona Basilica
Building a high artistic value in Latvia. The Church that
was established in 1780 has a beautiful architecture. Inside are various
likisan and stunning sculptures.
Cape Kolka
Cape Kolka is the meeting place between two waters, the Gulf
of Riga and the Baltic Sea. This place is a favorite location for swimming and
surfing for tourists. In the spring visitors can also see flocks of birds
Images like these sights in Latvia. Hopefully this article
can be useful to the reader. Thank you
honeymoon destinations, travelling, trips, flight